


授 课 人:宛教授

授课时间:2018年10月  周五—周日 5—8节



Topics in Applied Econometrics

The primary objective of the course is to provide an introduction to econometrics

methods which are used in a variety of fields in applied economics, including labor

economics, development, and empirical industrial organization. While applications

and implementation of the methods are the main focus of the course, their

econometric foundation will also be discussed. The course will also covers some

recent developments in econometric theory and their applications, e.g. inference in

partially identified models.

Part I: Basics [9 classes]

1. Basic theory of Extremum Estimation [3]

a. Regression Models

b. Maximum Likelihood

c. GMM

2. Fundamentals of Hypothesis Testing [3]

a. Hypothesis, Tests, and Optimal Tests

3. Nonparametric Methods [3]

a. Kernel Estimation

b. Sieve Estimation

Part II: Casual Inference [21 classes]

4. Instrumental Variable with Heterogeneous Treatment Effect [4]

5. Marginal Treatment Effect [4]

6. Matching Estimators [4]

7. Regression Discontinuity [4]

8. Difference in Difference [3]

9. Control Function [2]

Part III: Structural Models [9 classes]

10. Discrete Choice and Limited Dependent Variable Models [3]

11. Econometrics of Discrete Games [3]

12. Empirical Auction [3]

Part IV: Additional Topics [9 classes]

13. Panel Data Models [3]

14. Topics in Partial Identification [3]

15. Application of MCMC in Frequentist Inference [3]

Part V: Seminars [6 classes]

16. Seminar 1. TBA [3]

17. Seminar 2. TBA [3]





